Tuesday, April 15, 2008


GRANT 07--203387

To: Sen Chris Lauzen
Rep. Tom Cross
Rep. Tim Schmitz
Sen. Linda Holmes
Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia
Rep. Pat Lindner

On March 26, 2007, Mr. Fred Burgess sent each of you a letter seeking funding for "Road Rebuilding" due to the harsh winter of 2006-2007. Sen Lauzen replied by suggesting that Linda Holmes and Linda Chapa LaVia should be able to deliver funds since the Ruling Majority owns all three appropriations elements (i.e. Governor, House and Senate). This letter is to appraise you as to what has transpired since then.

Grant 07-203387 was issued on February 1, 2007 from the Dept. of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to the Aurora Township for the Aurora Township Highway Dept. to "Span-Wire Traffic Signal Installation". The award was for $80,000.00 The lowest and accepted bid was for $74,343.30 to Gaffney's Protective Maintenance Inc.

Rep. Chapa LaVia obtained a check for $20,000 from Rep. Michael Madigan in May, 2007 which was not applied to Road Rebuilding, but to the Grant for which four signs were erected on the corners of Farnsworth and Fifth Avenues in Aurora crediting Rep. Chapa LaVia with obtaining the Grant. Not true.

Investigating this matter with Mr. Burgess, he repeatedly informed me that he was unable to start the project without funding and that the award had not been forthcoming from DCEO. I had to persist in order to review the file. Mr. Burgess even sought an attorney's opinion before allowing me to have ongoing access to the file. Cost, $125.00.

In reviewing the file there was no mention of the signs, when they were installed, receipts for the cost of the signs or labor. The cost of the signs is not included in the bids. Repeated requests to Burgess, James Murphy, the Township Supvr. , Mr. Jack Lavin, Director, DCEO and protests to the State's Attorney, John Barsanti, concerning the illegality of these signs brought no response to my questions. This, in my judgment, is illegal government campaigning for a party member. To this day I have not received one response to my letters from Mr. Lavin nor has he returned my phone calls.

The project is now near completion. Two payments have been made to Gaffney in the amounts of $30,866.50 and $40,280.50 out of the Township General Revenue. At the Township meeting of April 8, Mr. Burgess confirmed that the bills were being submitted to DCEO for reimbursement. This was confirmed by Mr. Murphy also. Calls to Mr. Lavin for confirmation of this new agreement have not been returned . Perhaps this was the agreement all along. Mr. Burgess just lied to me to cover up the funding for the signs he had erected. The signs have come down, but my questions regarding the cost are still unanswered.

When questioning Mr. Burgess as to what he was going to do with the $20,000 dollar check from Rep. Madigan, he responded by stating that he was going to keep it. He needed it for general usage on this or various office projects. No mention of "Road Rebuilding".

In reviewing the Grant file, I noted that no general ledger of the funds was being kept. Mr. Burgess agreed that he does not keep general ledgers. Who does the yearly auditing review? I am not a CPA, but I did work in accounting for many years. It is very convenient to spend taxpayers money and not have to account for it. And this is only one project. How many others should be reviewed? How many other awards were credited to legislators wrongly?


Joan Solms

Why did Burgess have to hire an attorney to get an opinion on the Freedom of Information Act?
Mr. Murphy is a lawyer. The clerk, Mr. Thomas is a lawyer. Between Murphy and Thomas are we to believe that they do not have the knowledge or experience to understand the FOIA?

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