Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Questions at the Township Highway Dept.

Grant 07-203387 Temporary Traffic Signals for corners of Farnsworth and Fifth Avenue

Four signs have been erected crediting Rep. Linda Chapa LaVia with obtaining the grant for the Township. Not so! Grant obtained Feb.1, 2007 for $80,000.00. Rep. Chapa LaVia got a check for $20,000 through Rep. Madigan's office to begin the project. Township used x amount of money to erect the four signs. Cannot get any information from Mr. Burgess as to the cost of the signs, when they were put in, who authorized their purchase and installation and for what purpose did the Township Highway spend $5,630.00 as reported on Mr. Burgess's 4th quarterly report.
Right now this reads as an illegal use of funds. electioneering on behalf of Chapa LaVia, and fraudulent use of $5,630 which cannot be accounted for. State's attorney Barsanti has been asked to investigate into this matter. How long is it going to take him? Good question. Mr. Jack Lavin, Director of the office of Commerce & Economic Opportunity has been asked to investigate the misuse of grant funds. Awaiting word from both of these offices. JS

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