Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Why is the BEACON Affraid of Joan Solms

Mr. John Barsanti, State Atty. Civil Division, 100 S. Third St., 4th Floor, Geneva, Il. 60134


Dear Mr. Barsanti:

Following up on my personal investigation of Grant 07-203387. I was finally able to review the Grant file on Thursday, March 13, 2008. I am satisfied that the $5,630.00 was spent legitimately. The file still does not include any letter asking to purchase the four signs nor approval for them. The file does not indicate the cost forthe signs or the labor to install them. The report covering the period of Jan. 1 through Feb. 29, 2008 had not been submitted by Mr. Burgess yet.

As I reviewed the file agains what should have been obvious to me was not. You may have already concluded what I had missed
A letter was sent to every area legislator seeking funding for "Road Rebuilding" due to the harsh winter of 2006-2007. Copy attached. Sen. Lauzen suggested that Mr. Burgess contact rep. Chapa LaVia for funds. Rep. Chapa LaVia went to Rep. Madigan and was able to secure $20,000 which was supposed tobe sued for road repairs. The funds were switched to the Grant and Rep. Chapa LaVia given public credit for the Grant. There is no mention of this transfer of funds in the file, it obviously was done by word of mouth which all parties agreed to. Mr. Burgess, Mr. Murphy, Rep. Chapa LaVia and Rep. Madigan.
Had Sen. Lauzen secured funds as requested by Mr. Burgess faor "Road Rebuilding" would a sign have been erected in his honor. No, the funds would just have used for road repairs.
Rep. Chapa LaVia last year received $350. in campaign funds from the Township Officials of Illinois, PAC.
I expect the signs be taken down and the expense for the sigtns and cost for labor tobe recouped and put back into the Grant funds.

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